Pool Opening at Highland Glen

The recent pool opening at Highland Glen Became a Community Event!

Renovation at Highland Glen Apartments in Scottsburg was completed in May, and the swimming pool had received a face lift as well – a new concrete deck and furniture.

More than 50 residents attended, including a new family who just signed their lease that day; they stopped moving their belongings to see what was going on and meet others in the community.

There were hot dogs and buns donated from Save a Lot, and side dishes and desserts brought from the residents. Some residents even went back to their units to get or make more food. Others made plates to take to seniors who could not join in due to health or mobility reasons, or to neighbors who were just not feeling well. There was so much laughter! The joy in their conversations and voices were overwhelming, and the kids were so excited.

Everyone absolutely loved the renovated clubhouse and new pool furniture. The new residents could not believe that a cookout was actually taking place, and the thought that this event was just one of many we have here had one single mother in tears. When asked why she was crying she replied, “It takes every dime that I make to provide for my children, so we don’t get to do many things. But now to know that I have them in a place like this with an amazing home and a community that provides them so much is just a little overwhelming.”

Since then others have come to see the “new” Highland Glen. The talk in town is that New Hope really cares and that if you want an upscale place to live in Scottsburg, the ONLY place is Highland Glen.

Reported by: Vickie Barnett, Community Manager Highland Glen Apartments

Year-Round Safety: Child Car Seats

New Hope offers regular car seat safety checks at The Commons in Jeffersonville and at Kids Place in Scottsburg.

Below, Jennifer Neff-Whitlow, certified in car seat safety, shows a new mom how to correctly install her new car seat. The one she came with had been recalled by the manufacturer.

New Hope Staff Member Jennifer Neff-Whitlow helps install child safety seat.


Upcoming dates are available on our website events page.

Family Services Block Party

Family Services Block Party: Fun for All!

This year’s Block Party was focused around summer safety, with different activities and information about safety: water and pool safety, sun, bug, bike safety, etc. Activities included water games, create your own first aid kit, sunscreen, healthy snacks, water, family play station, a giant Connect 4, bubbles, mini “bug” bowling, and much more.

Vendors included LifeSpring, Anthem, B&C Farms (Farmer’s Market), Clark Memorial Hospital, Jeffersonville Police, Family Health Centers, Community Action of Southern IN, MDWise, Moms Demand Action, and the Kona Ice truck. More than 150 people enjoyed the day.

Interactive Health Newsletter June 2018

How would you rate your general health? Health seems like a straightforward concept, but our health is influenced in many ways. Some aspects we cannot control, like family history, but many are in our control. The foods we eat, our physical activity, smoking, stress, and the amount and quality of our sleep can all positively or negatively impact our health. This newsletter includes information surrounding general health and steps we can take towards improvement.

Click to Read the Newsletter:

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Eating Healthier Pays Off

We recently received encouraging news about a family’s healthy eating success story. New Hope Services employee, Megan Holl, who is the WIC Clinic Manager in Jackson County, had this to say about the experience:

Last month I had a mom and her 3 year old son come into the office for his mid-certification appointment. At his appointment in December, he had a low iron level of 8.3. We spoke about foods she could add to his diet to increase his iron level and I also suggested she let his doctor know about the low iron level as well. I checked his iron level at this appointment and it was 11.4, which is what we consider normal.

I congratulated the mother on his increased iron level and she was extremely happy because she said they had been working really hard on eating a healthier diet with iron-rich foods. The mom even said

“When we are at the grocery store, he asks if different foods are high in iron before we put them in the shopping cart.”

The family has been trying to eat better as a whole to support their son and as you can see they are doing a great job. The mom was very proud of her son and their hard work and so was I. It was a very nice appointment!