Samantha's Story

The road to motherhood did not start out smoothly for Samantha Jones. While pregnant she was attacked in her home by a burglar with a knife, causing severe injury to her face, neck and torso.


Shortly after this traumatic experience, she was offered the opportunity to participate in Healthy Families. Samantha accepted, and in doing so developed a support system that walked alongside her as she healed both physically and emotionally.

Her home visits with Family Support Specialist Sandy Goen began three months before her daughter, Harmony, arrived. The program helped her transition into her new role as a mother and to create a warm, nurturing environment for her daughter.

Samantha wanted more for her daughter than she had experienced as a child, as she had been raised by a drug addicted mother.

“Samantha asks great questions,” said Sandy, “and she explores new ideas and activities with Harmony. Her excellent parenting is evident when I see her thriving, happy baby.”

Sandy helped Samantha explore personal goals. Samantha set a goal of obtaining a better education and career; Sandy provided support and resources for her; seeing the potential in Samantha, she encouraged and validated her positive choices.

Today Samantha has completed a medical assisting certificate and is working in a medical office. She is committed to her goals, working four days a week and attending class the other three. Sandy could not be more proud of her and her wonderful progress.

Samantha in turn is thankful for the support she receives. She states, “Healthy Families is a great program. I look forward to Sandy coming each week because she brings all kinds of information on my daughter’s growth and development and she has helped me reach our goals. Harmony absolutely loves her!”
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