The HopeCare Clinic is open 4 days a week and appointments are accepted. We are open to the public and no referral is required. Adolescents, men, and women of reproductive age welcome! Services are provided at no or very low cost; Medicaid and private insurance accepted.
The Clinic is staffed by a nurse practitioner who performs routine testing and examinations for men, women and adolescents. English & Spanish spoken.
Available Services
- Medical Exams: annual exam, pap smear, breast exam
- Birth control available
- Pregnancy testing and counseling
- Emergency contraception
- Testing, treatment, and counseling for sexually transmitted infections
- Urinary tract and vaginal infections testing and treatment
Telehealth Services Now Available!
- See one of our providers from the comfort of your home
- Can be used to prescribe several forms of birth control including pills, patch and vaginal ring
- Can be used if patients have limitations such as issues with childcare or transportation
- Use for follow up on test results
- Can be used for new or established patients
- Patients can use a phone or a computer with audio and video capabilities and to have zoom downloaded
- No extra cost to the patient
- English & Spanish spoken.
Our friendly staff will be pleased to serve you!
New Hope Commons
1302 Wall Street
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Monday 9-6
Tuesday 8-5
Wednesday 8-5
Thursday 8-5
Friday Closed
Questions? Contact us: 812-288-1223